Art History

Screen shot 2013-05-05 at 7.49.35 PM Art History is inextricably linked to many collateral fields of study, including the hands-on studio arts, aesthetics, anthropology, computers, English literature, foreign languages, history, mass communications, psychology, religious studies, and even science.

The Art History track requires a minimum of 36 semester hours. While the total of 120 hours for a bachelor’s degree remains constant for all undergraduates, each Art History major will want to tailor a supporting program to meet his or her own learning and career interests.

The Art History track differs from those in Studio Art and Graphic Design in that participation in a gallery exhibition is not required. Instead, a two-semester research project is required in the senior year, one that culminates in a single written paper or equivalent body of work. These alternatives include the possibility of curating an exhibition in the SXU Gallery or the creation of a thematically defined Home Page and directory of links for the World Wide Web. And, of course, a substantive research paper is always welcome.

Program Requirements

Course Descriptions